Sierra Leone 


Wells in Heuge And Providing a Pump

Wells in Heuge And Providing a Pump

Sierra Leone is a post-conflict country in Western Africa of roughly 72,000 square kilometres and over 6 million inhabitants. About 60% of the population are estimated to live under the poverty line, with a concentration in rural areas. According to the UN Water Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water (GLAAS) carried out in 2010, Sierra Leone is off-track on both indicators and very far from meeting the MDGs. The latest figures available from WHO, indicate that more than 40% of the population in Sierra Leone do not have access to clean drinking water, and about 60% do not have access to adequate sanitation. The GLAAS stated that 51% of the population only have access to unimproved sources of drinking water, and that 24% of the population practice open defecation with all the health risks involved.

This project adresses the need for clean water, through the construction of a hand-dug well. The well provides water for the local community in Hanga, including a school. Access to clean water significantly improves the health and living conditions for the local communities. 

The project contributes to clean water and sanitation in compliance with the current UN Sustainable Development Goals.
